I probably could have lost even more weight in the last five months if had gone for one of these radical weight loss programs. But I have opted for a healthier approach by which I am gradually converting fat to muscle, and becoming physically fit in the process. I must say, I have not starved myself. In fact, I have bothcreated and eaten almost all of the recipes that I have posted on my blog and published in my weekly newsletters for the past five months while I have been losing weight.
All of this has been a real education for me--and I think that is such an imortant word when it comes to dieting: "education." I have learned about how it is actually important to not starve yourself, but to become aware of foods which help to burn fat. I have learned about eating a number of small meals throughout the day, at the right times, and how this keeps the fat burning away!
No matter what anyone tells you calories are an issue in dieting. I began my diet by meticuloulsy recording my caloric intake each day. I found out that you can actually eat very satisfying meals throughout the day and stay within the limit of calories by which you can constantly lose weight! I don't count calories now, but I stay conscious of approximately how many I'm taking in througout the day--and I'm still losing weight. I also must tell you that two days a week I relax and eat what I want, when I want, and how much I want. I don't go wild on these days, but I reward myself, often with recipes like I've been publishing!
I have also learned that there are "good fats" and "bad fats." And there are definitley a lot of great tasting foods that are highly proficient at fat burning!
My new way of eating, coupled with my very sensible fitness program (one half hour of excercise three times a week) has made me feel better than I've felt in many years! If you are considering making some changes in 2008, here are some resources you might want to check out...
The Mediterranean Diet is also known as the Heart Diet or Cancer Diet and is currently one of the most respected diets known today. Now if you're like me, you might not want to totally commit to any one diet--but you might want to consider adding some of these unique, tasty and healthful recipes into your meal schedule. I reviewed this diet on the September 1 post of my blog at:
The Mediterranean Diet--Click Here!
Medical researcher Shola Oslo has written an ebook which gives all the details of extensive research on foods which fight fats--resulting in fast, yet safe and healthy weight loss. Shola tells us "...there are some scientifically proven foods that are known to aid weight loss? These are foods doctors, scientists, medical researchers and nutritionists know help weight loss." See my review of this ebook at:
Discover 110 Amazing Fat Fighting Foods!--Click Here!
Quickly shrink your waistline, lose body fat, eliminate low back pain and develop a stunning set of six-pack abs... David Grisaffi has been an exercise specialist, strength coach and personal trainer since 1994, working with all types of people from professional boxers to housewives who want to get rid of cellulite. Check out his course, Firm and Flatten Your Abs, at:
Firm and Flatten Your Abs!--Click Here!