Medical researcher Shola Oslo has written an ebook which gives all the details of extensive research on foods which fight fats--resulting in fast, yet safe and healthy weight loss. Shola tells us "...there are some scientifically proven foods that are known to aid weight loss? These are foods doctors, scientists, medical researchers and nutritionists know help weight loss." Here is an example she cites:
"In a recent California study, doctors discovered that eating half a grapefruit before meals helped patients reduce their insulin levels for 2 hours after eating. The patients who ate the grapefruit before meals lost 1.6kg on average, compared to 0.3kg lost by the patients who were not given the grapefruit, making grapefruit 433% more effective at burning fat compared with dieting alone."
Whole-wheat protein is another example of a food which was proven in a study to aid in weight loss. Shola writes:
"Scientists gave one groups of overweight women a whole-wheat protein to eat, and compared results with another group following a standard low calorie diet. The group who ate the wheat protein lost an average of 5.5kg during the experiment, while the group who ate the standard low calorie diet lost only 2.8kg, making whole-wheat proteins 96% more effective for weight loss."
What you will learn in Shola's ebook will astound you: A comprehensive guide to fat fighting fruits, fat fighting, vegetables, fat fighting proteins, fat fighting herbs and spices--even fat fighting fats! Plus, a simple easy to follow plan. Fat Fighting Foods contains a very simple and easy to follow way of eating, with just a few rules to follow. She has even summarized them on one page so you can put it up on your refrigerator, take it shopping or keep with you for easy reference. For more information:
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