Bill has put together the recipes and techniques he competes with into a best-selling ebook, Competition BBQ Secrets. I purchased a copy of this last year and I use it as a reference book. Bill says, "What we don't give you is a bunch of useless barbecue sauce and rub recipes that are in other books just to make the book 'look' bigger. Don't get me wrong... we do give you exact details on the barbecue recipes we use for chicken, ribs, pork, and brisket. These are the exact barbecue recipes we use in the contests. Why would we give you 50 pages of untested sauce, rub, and marinade recipes and let you pick which "loser" to use in a contest? Our barbecue recipes are 'tried and true.' One book we bought wasted the whole first chapter on the definition of 'barbecue' and where the word barbecue originated from. If you want a history lesson, do not buy our book! Your time is valuable and we're not going to waste it with a whole lot of useless 'filler' to create a book with a lot of useless pages. This is done by others to make it 'seem' like your are getting your money's worth. We provide all you need to know in a short but sweet 62 pages." For more details on the instantly downloadable ebook, Competition BBQ Secrets...
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