Saturday, December 01, 2007

Write a Cookbook and Make it Sell

"It's a crying shame. There has never been a better time to publish a cookbook, but most of the people I speak with don't think they can do it. You know the type of people I'm talking about--the ones who, even with opportunity staring them right in the face, will always tell you why they can't do something."

These are the words of Ron Douglas, the author of a new, instantly downloadable instructional course, Write a Cookbook and Make it Sell. Ron shows you how to make quick cash by selling your own cookbook, even if you can't cook and don't like to write. Ron, a best selling cookbook author, reveals his inexpensive step-by-step system to create a cookbook and earn big profits in 60 days or less. Some great bonuses too! For all the details:
Click Here!